Blog Security How to secure your dependencies with GitLab and WhiteSource
August 10, 2020
5 min read

How to secure your dependencies with GitLab and WhiteSource

We walk you through how to configure WhiteSource in your GitLab instance to enhance your application security.


GitLab's WhiteSouce integration empowers developers to enhance application security
directly within the GitLab UI. The integration provides dependency scanning with
in-depth analysis, along with actionable insights, and auto-remediation. WhiteSource for
GitLab enhances your team's productivity, security, and compliance.

Rhys Arkins, Product Director at WhiteSource, and I hosted a webinar on "Harnessing development to scale AppSec"
showcasing the features of GitLab's WhiteSource integration for open source dependency scanning.

This blog post will guide you through setting up WhiteSource in your private GitLab instance
and show you how the integration with WhiteSource enhances your application's security within GitLab.

Installing the WhiteSource integration

First, let's go over how to install the WhiteSource integration. In this section, I will review how to
set up GitLab service credentials, generate a WhiteSource configuration,
build WhiteSource containers, and how to run them in a Kubernetes cluster.

Requirements for WhiteSource integration

But first, the WhiteSource integration requires that you have the following setup:

Create GitLab service credentials

The next step is to create GitLab service credentials. This can be accomplished in three simple steps:

  • In your GitLab instance, go to Admin Area > System Hooks and create a system hook as follows:

    • URL:
    • Secret Token: Make up a token, you can use openssl rand -base64 12
    • Trigger: All except Tag push events
    • Enable SSL Verification: Yes

    Note: Make sure you save the secret token for use in the next section.

  • Create a user named @whitesource, with a developer role. An email is not required.

  • As the @whitesource user, go to Settings > Access tokens and create a personal access token:

    • Name: WhiteSourceToken
    • Scopes: all
  • Remember to save the access token for use in the next section.

Generate the WhiteSource configuration

Next, we generate the WhiteSource configuration, which is used to configure the WhiteSource integration containers.
This can be done in a few simple steps:

whitesource webpage view
WhiteSource mainpage

  • Expand the WhiteSource for GitLab server bar and fill the following:
    • GitLab Server API URL: https://GITLAB_SERVER_URL/api/v4
    • GitLab Webhook URL:
    • GitLab Webhook secret: Use the same secret generated in GitLab credentials section
    • GitLab personal access token: @whitesource user access token

whitesource integration view
WhiteSource integrations page

  • Press Get Activation Key and copy the generated key
  • Open the wss-configurator with your browser
  • Select Export from the menu, and select the prop.json
  • Click on the General tab
  • Paste the generated key and click Export to save a new prop.json file

Build the WhiteSource containers

$ docker build -t wss-gls-app:19.12.2 whitesource/wss-gls-app/docker
$ docker push wss-gls-app:19.12.2

$ docker build -t wss-scanner: whitesource/wss-scanner/docker
$ docker push wss-scanner:

$ docker build -t wss-remediate:19.12.2 whitesource/wss-remediate/docker
$ docker push wss-remediate:19.12.2

Running the WhiteSource containers

GitLab provides native Kubernetes cluster integration. This means that GitLab allows you
to deploy software from GitLab CI/CD pipelines directly to your Kubernetes cluster.

WhiteSource containers can be deployed and managed within the same Kubernetes cluster
used to deploy your application, all by running a simple Helm commands.

  • Download the WhiteSource Helm chart
  • Edit values.yaml
  • In vaules.yaml set whitesource.ingress to

You can get the INGRESS_URL from your Kubernetes cluster settings

ingress url location
Ingress URL location

  • Make sure Ingress is installed.

ingress installation
Installing Ingress

  • Install Helm
  • Deploy WhiteSource with Helm template:
helm upgrade -f helm/whitesource/values.yaml --install whitesource-gitlab ./helm/whitesource

Using WhiteSource

Once the WhiteSource plugin has been installed we can add the @whitesource user to the repositories
we wish to scan. A merge request (MR) with the .whitesource file will be generated automatically.

WhiteSource will now scan your repository and generate issues for all the vulnerabilities discovered on the main (master)
branch. These issues will provide detailed information on the vulnerability as well as how to resolve it. Some issues
can even be auto-remediated.

whitesource issue view
WhiteSource vulnerability issues

Each time a new MR is pushed, a WhiteSource scan will run, and provide a detailed output.

whitesource merge request view
WhiteSource MR scanning

Each link provided by WhiteSource shows detailed information on the vulnerabilities the scan detected:

whitesource web links
WhiteSource vulnerability information

WhiteSource can be integrated into the GitLab Security Dashboard so that your security team can manage the
status of these vulnerabilites. Access to the Security Dashboard requires a GitLab Ultimate account.

For integrating WhiteSource to the Security Dashboard, add the following to the CI.yaml:

  image: openjdk:8-jdk
  when: manual
    - curl "{{WEBHOOK_URL}}/securityReport?repoId=$CI_PROJECT_ID&repoName=$CI_PROJECT_NAME&ownerName=$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE&branchName=$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME&defaultBranchName=$CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH&commitId=$CI_COMMIT_SHA" -o gl-dependency-scanning-report-ws.json
      - gl-dependency-scanning-report-ws.json
        - gl-dependency-scanning-report-ws.json
    expire_in: 30 days

For more details on the integration checkout WhiteSource for GitLab.
Learn more at DevSecOps and checkout the Secure direction page for more
information on the upcoming features and integrations.

Learn more about application security at GitLab

Cover image by Alexandra Avelar on Unsplash

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